My name is Roeland Möller. I live in Utrecht with my wife and two children. Born Frisian at the time, he left Groningen to make a career here. For almost 25 years I have been working in commercial environments, mainly for pension insurers and pension funds. I worked as a consultant for a long time. In 2016 I set up a company that helps entrepreneurs with dispensation and connection processes with pension funds. In addition, I have worked as a business manager at a consultancy agency for the last 3 years. What I learned there is that it is important to continuously absorb knowledge, to continue to train regularly and, above all, to share that knowledge.

My passion is hockey. I myself try to play with the veterans every week, but in the past I have whistled many matches as a Federal Referee. In the years that I lived in Groningen, I was also an arbitration teacher and I trained many hockey players to become referees. I gained a lot of didactic skills while giving this game rule training. The nice thing about giving those courses is that you are constantly talking to each other about the rules of the game, which means that you remember the rules better, but above all, you also apply them much better. That makes you a lot better as a referee, but especially as a player.

To keep my knowledge up to date, I had to follow a lot of education and training. One even more boring than the other and I have forgotten a lot. A few training sessions have stayed with me, those were the training sessions where you discussed with each other, played a game or when the teacher had really good practical examples. If you still think back to a nice training from then, I call it a “didactic optimum”.

Maarten and I want to achieve with our Smart Training Center that you, your colleagues or friends, also experience a “didactic optimum”. “Yes, that was a really cool training that I still look back on with pleasure!”

I am Maarten van Bunnik. I live with my wife, two children and our dog Kees in Maarssen. After studying in the beautiful city of Groningen, I settled in the province of Utrecht.

Like Roeland, I share the hockey passion. We play in the same team, me as goalkeeper, Roeland right in front as defender. Together we are able to do brilliant things but also make huge blunders in hockey.

We also share the love of supervising competitions. I have been a trainer, teacher trainer in various subjects for years. Once started at IKEA Amsterdam, then grew to IKEA Netherlands as a Sales, customer service and logistics trainer.

After IKEA I started working nationally for IKANO in the role of Sales coach. After my Swedish adventures I worked for ECCO. A beautiful Danish company, where I took on the role of Sales Trainer. I have trained a lot internationally (Western Europe) in this role. In the meantime I have also become a firefighter, rescue vehicle operator and commander (in training at the moment). One of my greatest passions. Currently I am a Trainer and Teacher Trainer First Aid, Fire & Evacuation. I am also a trainer NRR and NIBHV. I combine training with a management function and manage a large team of trainers.

In my career I have followed and given a lot of training myself. I now know first hand what I do and don’t want as a trainer and as a student. That is also the reason why Roeland and I embarked on the Smart Training Center adventure. We don’t want boring, long, largely useless workouts anymore. Training should be fun, focused and bold. An experience. Because then you learn the best and the fastest! “Experience a didactic optimum!”